Qualifier Lakshya Sen shocked men's third seed Shreyansh Jaiswal in a five-game all-Indian battle to enter the second round of the USD 17,500 Tata Open International Challenge badminton tournament held at the Cricket club of India yesterday. Sen rallied from 1-2 to turn the tables on Jaiswal 12-10, 6-11, 9-11, 11-8 11-2
Qualifier Lakshya Sen shocked men's third seed Shreyansh Jaiswal in a five-game all-Indian battle to enter the second round of the USD 17,500 Tata Open International Challenge badminton tournament held at the Cricket club of India yesterday. Sen rallied from 1-2 to turn the tables on Jaiswal 12-10, 6-11, 9-11, 11-8 11-2.
Top seeded Pratul Joshi reached round two after getting past Singapore rival Zin Rei Ryan Ng, while second seeded Siril Verma disposed of Sri Lanka rival in straight games, two of which were won over extra points.