Actor R Madhavan also known as Maddy, who will be seen as a boxing coach in the forthcoming film Saala Khadoos, is planning to appeal to the union sports ministry to have an official body governing boxing in India
R Madhavan
Actor R Madhavan also known as Maddy, who will be seen as a boxing coach in the forthcoming film Saala Khadoos, is planning to appeal to the union sports ministry to have an official body governing boxing in India.
R Madhavan
Madhavan has said he will be writing to union sports minister Sarbananda Sonowal appealing for the setting up of an official body to govern boxing in India.
"We have world-class athletes and boxers, both men and women, in almost every state in this country.
"It's not a very expensive sport and easily nurtured. All we need is to recognise, regulate and nourish this sport in India and I have no doubts that the sport and the boxers will fill us with pride," Madhavan said in a statement. Saala Khadoos is about a rustic fisherwoman, who is groomed into a match-winning boxer by the character essayed by Madhavan.