India's star all-rounder Hardik Pandya is looking forward to celebrate Diwali and host a rocking party too. Yesterday, Pandya tweeted, "Looking for a cool bluetooth speaker to rock my Diwali party
Hardik Pandya
India's star all-rounder Hardik Pandya is looking forward to celebrate Diwali and host a rocking party too. Yesterday, Pandya tweeted, "Looking for a cool bluetooth speaker to rock my Diwali party. Need help to get my last minute #DiwaliWishList fulfilled fast. Any suggestions?"
Virat Kohli
To which, captain cool Virat Kohli replied, "Say no more, @MuveAcoustics is here to the rescue for all your sound needs! #SoundThatInspires #DiwaliWishList."
Looking for a cool Bluetooth speaker to rock my Diwali party.
— hardik pandya (@hardikpandya7) October 16, 2017
Need help to get my last minute #DiwaliWishList fulfilled fast. Any suggestions?