Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar said he is excited about the ICC Women's World Cup scheduled later this year as the event has a big role to play in globalising the game
Cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar
Dubai: Indian cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar said he is excited about the ICC Women's World Cup scheduled later this year as the event has a big role to play in globalising the game.
“The inclusion of Thailand in World Cup cricket may be a surprise for some of you but it is a reality! Thailand will be bidding to feature in this year's ICC Women's World Cup when it will play in the Qualifiers in Colombo next week,” Tendulkar wrote in a column for the ICC. “Subsequently, the ICC Women's World Cup 2017 in the United Kingdom in June-July will see top notch cricket being played by some of the finest and exemplary women cricketers from across the world,” he added.
He felt expansion of women's cricket is also a catalyst for gender equality and rights. The women cricketers have caught the fancy of cricket aficionados around the world with stellar performances and have increased their audience.