Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Sanjay Patel rubbished the claims made by Aditya Verma that N Srinivasan stayed in the same team hotel where Chennai Super Kings players were given accommodation during their Indian Premier League match against Rajasthan Royals in Ranchi on Tuesday
Sanjay Patel, Aditya Verma and N Srinivasan
Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) secretary Sanjay Patel rubbished the claims made by Aditya Verma that N Srinivasan stayed in the same team hotel where Chennai Super Kings players were given accommodation during their Indian Premier League match against Rajasthan Royals in Ranchi on Tuesday.
Sanjay Patel, Aditya Verma and N Srinivasan
Verma is the petitioner in the Supreme Court in the IPL spot fixing scandal. "This is news to me as well. I have no knowledge of what he is saying. Srinivasan is respecting the Supreme Court's directive and has stayed away from all IPL-related matters. The Supreme Court has not said that he cannot travel out of Chennai. It is his personal life and we (BCCI) do not interfere in that," Patel told mid-day from Baroda yesterday.
Verma, who has given the BCCI nightmares in the last few months, made explosive claims yesterday that Srinivasan stayed on the same floor as his team Chennai Super Kings. "I know for a fact that Amitabh Chaudhary (Jharkhand State Cricket Association chief and reportedly one of the key aides of Srinivasan) went to receive Srinivasan at the airport in Ranchi. He was booked in Room No 719. He met his CSK players and some IPL Governing Council members," Verma said.
"I am a petitioner in this case and I have full rights to bring it to the notice of the BCCI-IPL president Sunil
Gavaskar. I have written to him and expect action from the great cricketer. The Supreme Court has clearly stated that Srinivasan will not interfere in any IPL matters till the probe is completed then why was he in Ranchi with his team members? This is a serious issue and I hope Gavaskar will look into the matter at the earliest," added Verma.