Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur asked party workers and visitors to shun the practice of touching his feet and offering garlands to him
Jai Ram Thakur
Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur asked party workers and visitors to shun the practice of touching his feet and offering garlands to him. On Saturday, Thakur told the party workers to discourage the visitors from bringing shawls, garlands, bouquets or mementoes as it involves wastage of money.
Instead of bringing a bouquet, a visitor can present a flower to him, an official in the Chief Minister's Office told IANS. Thakur's directive came after an octogenarian visitor tried to touch his feet at a recent event.
The Chief Minister remarked: "It's the duty of the state to respect each and every individual. No individual should touch my feet or that of my ministers. We have to show respect in heart." Thakur's office has asked people to contribute generously towards the Chief Minister's Relief Fund instead of buying bouquets and garlands.
During one of his 'Mann ki Baat' programmes last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that people should gift useful stuff like books or handkerchiefs to him rather than bouquets.
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