The Bombay High Court today extended the temporary bail granted to real estate developer Vinod Asrani, an accused in the journalist Jyotirmoy Dey murder case, as he needs to undergo liver transplant
Asrani alias Vinod Chembur, charged with conspiring with others to kill Dey, was granted bail on December 12 last year after he pleaded that his kidneys and liver were badly damaged and he needed to undergo treatment.
The bail was extended on May 6 after he informed that he required liver transplant. His lawyers Adhik Shirodkar and Yogesh Dandekar today said the transplant could not take place for want of suitable liver.
The division bench of Justices P V Hardas and P N Deshmukh extended the bail till December 11, and gave him liberty to approach the court again for further extension if required. Earlier this month, the high court had dismissed Asrani's plea for discharge from the case, observing that there was prima facie evidence against him.
Asrani is accused of calling Dey to a suburban hotel so that the killers could see him. The journalist was shot dead here on June 11, 2011, allegedly by the Chhota Rajan gang members.u00a0