A BJP member in Lok Sabha asked the government to take cognisance of a TV commercial which portrays postmen as those who respect the rich and disregard the poor
New Delhi: A BJP member in Lok Sabha on Wednesday asked the government to take cognisance of a TV commercial which portrays postmen as those who respect the rich and disregard the poor.
S S Ahluwalia asked Telecom and IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad whether he has seen the commercial in which a postman shows disrespect towards a man whose house has a poor coat of paint.
"When he gets his house painted using a costly paint of a big company, postmen, in official uniform, salute him...it portrays them as people who respect the rich and disregard the poor," he said during Question Hour.
Prasad, who is also in charge of the Department of Post, said he has seen the advertisement and would bring it to the notice of Information and Broadcasting Minister Arun Jaitley as TV advertisements come in the domain of Jaitley's ministry. He said he appreciates the concern of Ahluwalia regarding the poor portrayal of postal employees in the commercial.