The death of the two eminent Marathi actors, Anand Abhyankar and Akshay Pendse, and a two-year-old child on the the Pune-Mumbai Expressway on Sunday night seems to have woken up the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC).
The MSRDC has taken a serious note of the accident and has now decided to install CCTV cameras along the entire corridor so that a 24-hour vigil can be kept on the movement of vehicles.
Another step the MSRDC plans to take to minimise accidents on the corridor will be the construction of a truck terminus with modern facilities that will allow tired drivers to rest for a while before proceeding on their journey. A large number of accidents on the E-way are beleived to be caused by sleepy drivers. MSRDC has also decided to speed up the work of setting up a trauma centre with air ambulance facility on the Expressway stretch between Lonavala and Pune.
More sign boards mentioning speed limits and notification of accident-prone areas will also be undertaken along the expressway. Further, the toll plazas will be used to raise awareness among travellers on the E-way about slow driving. u00a0