Three personnel of Maharashtra's elite Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS), who had gone to summon 13/7 Mumbai blasts accused Naquee Ahmed's brother, Taquee, were on Monday detained by Delhi Police.
Three personnel of Maharashtra's elite Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS), who had gone to summon 13/7 Mumbai blasts accused Naquee Ahmed's brother, Taquee, were on Monday detained by Delhi Police.
Sources said the ATS sleuths had come to Taquee's place here with a notice seeking his appearance before them in Mumbai in connection with the blasts probe.
The trio arrived at the residence of Taquee and asked him to accompany him to Mumbai for questioning as he had failed to appear on previous summons. Taquee asked them to have a presence of local police if they wanted to detain him following which the ATS men allegedly started hitting him. This prompted the family of Taquee to call a PCR van, which came within minutes.
The three ATS men were whisked away to Okhla Police station where they were detained by the police as they had not informed the local police before operating in their jurisdiction.
According to the family of Taquee, a complaint was filed before the local police that he was facing threat from ATS Maharashtra besides illegal trespassing and physical assault. Taquee's brother Naquee was arrested by the ATS for being allegedly involved in the 13/7 bombings, a charge contested by the family who said he was working as an informer for Delhi Police and Intelligence Bureau and was helping them in locating Yaseen Bhatkal.