The Bandra police has arrested former cricketer Vinod Kambli's maid for stealing his wallet containing Rs 6,000, an IDBI Bank debit card, PAN Card, Aadhar Card and driving license
Vinod Kambli's maid arrested for stealing his wallet, Aadhar Card
Vinod Kambli
The Bandra police has arrested former cricketer Vinod Kambli's maid for stealing his wallet containing Rs 6,000, an IDBI Bank debit card, PAN Card, AADHAAR card and driving license.
According to the police, Kambli (45) returned to his apartment in Jewel Building at Bandra Reclamation around 12 pm on Thursday, kept his wallet in his bedroom and went to the living room. He was there for a long time. When he finally returned to his bedroom, around 3.30 pm, he found the wallet missing.
His maid, Parvati Khodaka (40), usually works at his residence from 1 pm to 4 pm. That day was no exception. But, when he questioned her about the wallet, she did not give a clear answer. Kambli got suspicious and filed a police complaint against her.
Khodaka was arrested on Friday and produced before the Bandra Magistrate court, that granted her police custody till Sunday. The police added that so far, they have not been able to recover the wallet and its contents from the maid as she has been denying her role in the theft. When mid-day tried to contact Kambli, his phone was switched off.