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Best Nootropic Supplements: Top 5 Brain Boosting Supplements(2023)

Updated on: 16 September,2023 06:44 PM IST  |  Mumbai
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5 Best Nootropic Supplements

Best Nootropic Supplements: Top 5 Brain Boosting Supplements(2023)


Nootropics, also referred to as cognitive enhancers or "smart drugs," are substances that can improve brain function and mental performance. In today's competitive world, more and more people are turning to nootropic supplements to gain an edge at work or school. But with so many options on the market, how do you determine the top nootropics for your needs?

This guide will examine the top five of the most popular and effective nootropic supplements available today. We will break down the key ingredients in each formula, analyze the scientific research backing their cognitive benefits, highlight the pros and cons of each product, and provide a final verdict on which are the most worthwhile nootropic supplements for different goals.

Our 5 Best Nootropic Supplements Of 2023

  1. Fast Brain Booster- Good for daily long-term use
  2. Neurodrine- Improve focus and concentration
  3. Brain Pill- Selected as an effective nootropic supplement in 2023
  4. Clear Brain & Mood- Research-based natural nootropic formula
  5. Nervolink- Best for old aged-people

1. Fast Brain Booster

Fast Brain Booster is a nootropic supplement formulated to provide both short and long-term cognitive benefits. It contains a blend of vitamins, amino acids, and herbal extracts designed to improve focus, memory, learning, and overall brain health. 

Key Ingredients of Fast Brain Booster

  • Bacopa Monnieri: A herb with research showing it can improve memory and learning ability. It is thought to work by enhancing communication between brain cells.
  • Phosphatidylserine: This phospholipid makes up a major component of brain cell membranes. Studies indicate it can improve memory, concentration, and the brain's ability to learn in people of all ages.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: An amino acid that may provide mild cognitive benefits, especially in people with dementia or age-related cognitive decline. It helps transport fatty acids into mitochondria to be burned as fuel.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: One of the most widely studied herbs for cognitive function. Ginkgo biloba extract can improve focus, mental clarity, and memory formation by increasing blood flow and neurotransmitter activity in the brain.
  • Vitamin B12, B6, and B9: Essential B vitamins that have a direct impact on brain health and cognitive processes like memory and concentration. Many people are deficient in these key nutrients.

The combination of Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine, and Ginkgo biloba seems especially powerful for boosting mental performance. These nootropic ingredients have synergistic effects on neurotransmitter systems and neuronal regeneration. The B vitamins provide additional support for ongoing healthy brain cell metabolism and function.

Scientific Evidence Behind The Supplement

Multiple double-blind, placebo-controlled studies back the cognitive benefits of the key ingredients in Fast Brain Booster when used both acutely and daily over periods of 3-4 months. The effects are noticeable but modest, providing clear mental stimulation but no dramatic cognitive transformations.

Pros And Cons Of Fast Brain Booster Supplement


  • All-natural formula with no drugs or stimulants
  • Positive impact on focus, learning, and memory
  • Quality ingredients with lots of scientific support
  • Good for daily long-term use
  • Reasonably priced


  • Effects may be modest for some healthy adults
  • Only available on the official website

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Click Here To Visit The Official Website of Brain Booster

2. Neurodrine

Neurodrine is an all-natural nootropic supplement designed to sharpen focus, boost memory, and elevate mental clarity. With a proprietary blend of scientifically backed ingredients like Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine, and Ginkgo Biloba, Neurodrine nourishes the brain and enhances key cognitive skills. Neurodrine is the smart choice for those seeking to optimize brainpower naturally and safely.

Key Ingredients:

  • Bacopa Monnieri: This traditional Ayurvedic herb has been shown to enhance memory, improve learning, and increase concentration and focus. It works by supporting nerve impulse transmission.
  • Phosphatidylserine: This phospholipid is a key component of brain cell membranes. It plays an important role in cellular communication and can aid memory, cognition, and mood.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine: This amino acid provides neuroprotective benefits, enhances mental alertness, and supports nerve growth and function.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Derived from the ancient ginkgo tree, this plant extract improves blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain. It can improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity.
  • Huperzine A: An alkaloid derived from Chinese club moss to support acetylcholine levels and cognitive function.

Scientific Evidence Behind The Supplement

Neurodrine includes three of the most powerful synthetic and natural nootropics in Bacopa Monnieri, Phosphatidylserine, and Huperzine A. All three have considerable scientific validation for their brain-boosting benefits. The combo provides both immediate cognitive enhancement and lasting benefits with consistent use.

Pros And Cons Of Neurodrine Supplement


  • Significant improvement in focus, learning ability, and recall
  • Enhanced motivation, mental energy, and mood
  • Potent synthetic and natural nootropic combination
  • Helps brain performance under stress


  • Only for above 18 age people
  • Effects wear off when you stop taking it

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Click Here To Visit The Official Website Of Neurodrine

3. Brain Pill

Brain Pill supplement is designed to give your brain the boost it needs.

Packed with a powerful blend of clinically proven nutrients and nootropics, Brain Pill fuels better concentration, information retention, and mental clarity. Key ingredients like Phosphatidylserine and Bacopin have been shown to aid memory and cognitive function. Plus, Brain Pill contains natural brain boosters like L-Tyrosine to enhance focus and Ginkgo Biloba to improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.

Key Ingredients:

  • Citicoline: The same potent natural nootropic found in Neurodrine for increased neurotransmitters and brain cell membrane formation.
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract: Herb shown to enhance memory and learning over time.
  • L-Tyrosine: Amino acid that elevates dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine levels in the brain for improved mood and cognition.
  • L-Theanine: Amino acid found in green tea that promotes relaxation and alpha brain waves without sedation. May take the "edge" off stimulants.
  • Phosphatidylserine: Main phospholipid in brain cell membranes. Supports brain cell health and communication.
  • Vitamin B6, B9, B12: Full spectrum of essential B vitamins to support many aspects of healthy brain metabolism and neurotransmitter production.
  • Ginkgo Biloba: Herbal extract that enhances blood flow and neurotransmitter activity for better focus and memory.

Scientific Evidence Behind The Supplement

While the formula may look chaotic at first glance, the ingredients in Brain Pill are actually synergistic and highly complementary for both immediate and long-range cognitive enhancement. Citicoline, Bacopa, Phosphatidylserine, Tyrosine, and B Vitamins are an extremely solid base for a daily nootropic. The additional ingredients provide further specialized support.

Pros And Cons Of Brain Pill Supplement


  • Noticeably boosts mental energy, focus, learning, and memory
  • Enhances blood flow and neurotransmitter activity
  • Supports overall brain cell health and regeneration
  • Very responsive customer support


  • Result may vary
  • Some people may prefer a simpler formula

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Click Here To Visit The Official Website Of Brain Pill

4. Clear Brain & Mood

Clear Brain & Mood was formulated by neuroscientists to support six key cognitive domains including focus, memory, learning, accuracy, attention switching, and information processing. It takes a research-based approach using natural nootropic ingredients.

Key Ingredients:

  • Lion's Mane Mushroom: Contains unique nerve growth factors shown to stimulate the growth of brain cells and synapses. Lion's Mane improves memory, focus, and mood.
  • Bacopa Monnieri: Ayurvedic herb with extensive research validation for enhancing memory and learning ability over time. A major study on Bacopa had subjects rating memory improvement at 55% after 12 weeks.
  • Rhodiola Rosea: An adaptogenic herb that lowers cortisol levels and helps cognition during periods of stress or fatigue.
  • L-Theanine: Amino acid that induces alpha waves for calm, relaxed focus and enhanced attention. Balances caffeine jitters.
  • Maritime Pine Bark Extract: Boosts blood flow to the brain for better focus, memory, and mood. Improves brain plasticity.

Scientific Evidence Behind The Supplement

The ingredient combo draws heavily on natural nootropics backed by human studies like Bacopa, L-theanine, Lion's Mane mushroom, and Pine Bark extract. The formula is designed specifically to enhance key domains of cognitive function. Clear Brain focuses on noticeable mental improvement driven by science.

Pros And Cons Of Clear Brain & Mood Supplement


  • Research-based natural nootropic formula
  • Supports memory, focus, processing speed, attention switching
  • Boosts growth of new brain cell synapses
  • Reduces stress and anxiety in cognition
  • Improves focus and productivity


  • Effects take 2-4 weeks to fully kick in
  • Only available as a capsule (no powder option)

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Click Here To Visit The Official Website of Clear Brain & Mood

5. Nervolink

Nervolink works with your body's natural calming systems to tackle stress and anxiety at the source. Nervolink is non-habit forming and non-drowsy. Just one capsule per day is all you need to take the edge off stress, get relief from nervousness and tension, and maintain optimal emotional well-being.

Key Ingredients:

  • Ashwagandha - This Ayurvedic herb has been shown to reduce cortisol levels and anxiety. It helps calm the mind and improve resilience to stress.
  • Lemon Balm - Has a tranquilizing effect and helps relieve nervous agitation, promote relaxation, and boost mood.
  • Chamomile - A mild sedative that relieves stress and encourages relaxation. It has anti-anxiety and sleep-enhancing properties.
  • GABA - A neurotransmitter that blocks impulses between nerve cells in the brain leading to a calming effect. It helps induce relaxation and sleep.
  • L-Theanine - An amino acid that reduces stress and anxiety by increasing alpha brain wave activity. It creates a sense of calm focus.
  • Passion Flower - Has a soothing effect on the nervous system. It's been used traditionally to treat anxiety, insomnia, and hysteria.
  • Valerian Root - A sedative that decreases anxiety and improves sleep quality. It helps relax the central nervous system.

Scientific Evidence Behind The Supplement

The combination of stimulants with synthetic (Noopept) and natural nootropics (Bacopa, Citicoline) is designed for intense rapid-fire cognition. Few supplements can match Nervolink's sheer intensity and energy when it kicks in. The effects do not last long-term, however.

Pros And Cons Of Neurolink Supplement


  • A very intense surge in focus, memory, learning ability, verbal fluency
  • Heightens alertness and productivity similar to Adderall
  • Enhances mood, mental energy, and motivation
  • Good for getting in intense work sprints


  • Available only on the official website
  • Too stimulating for some people

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Click Here To Visit The Official Website of Nervolink

Are Nootropics Supplements Safe For Use?

Nootropics can be safe cognitive enhancers if used responsibly. Always start with the lowest effective dose and increase slowly. Follow label directions closely and don't exceed recommended amounts.

Consult a doctor before using, especially if you have medical conditions or take other medications that could interact. Nootropic side effects are rare but can include headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and irritability.

Stop use if any concerning reactions occur. Avoid nootropics if pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18 years old due to a lack of research on developing brains. Only purchase from reputable suppliers that provide third-party testing.

Check supplements for expiration and tampering. Cycle off periodically to avoid mental dependence. While nootropics show promise for cognitive enhancement, educated and responsible use is key for safety. Consult a doctor with any concerns.

Factors To Take Into Account When Selecting Nootropic Supplements

Here are some tips for choosing effective nootropic supplements:

  • Research the ingredients - Look for nootropics with proven cognitive enhancers like Bacopa, Lion's Mane, L-theanine, Phosphatidylserine, etc. Verify the doses are sufficient to be effective.
  • Check for quality manufacturing - Select companies that follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Look for independent testing for potency, purity, and safety. Avoid unknown brands.
  • Read user reviews - Check independent sites for customer reviews on how well the nootropic works for cognitive benefits. But take extremely positive or negative reviews with a grain of salt.
  • Evaluate the company - Reputable companies provide detailed information on their sourcing, manufacturing, and testing processes. Steer clear of companies that make unrealistic claims.
  • Consider the form - Capsule, powder, or drink mix? Select the format you are most likely to use consistently. Encapsulated nootropics tend to be better for accurate doses.
  • Assess your needs - Are you looking for a focus, memory, creativity boost? Select nootropics that target your specific cognitive goals. Stack products for multiple benefits.
  • Seek professional guidance - Ask your healthcare provider about nootropic options, especially if you take any medications or have health conditions. Discuss optimal doses for your needs.
  • Start with a single ingredient - When first trying nootropics, choose a supplement with just one cognitive enhancer to assess its effectiveness individually.
  • Track the effects - Keep notes on how you feel after taking a nootropic for the first few weeks. This can help you evaluate the benefits.

Conclusion On Best Nootropic Supplements

Nootropics encompass a wide spectrum of natural and synthetic compounds designed to enhance cognitive function. Our top picks overall are Brain Pill and Clear Brain due to their research-based formulas focused on all-around mental performance and brain health.

For pure cognitive intensity in the short term, Neurodrine and Nervolink take the lead with their combinations of stimulants and synthetic nootropics. However, they are best taken situationally rather than daily.

Fast Brain Booster offers a solid middle ground, providing clean focus and memory enhancement for daily use without the highs and lows of synthetics.

The nootropics field continues to evolve rapidly alongside our understanding of the brain. But one thing is clear - you have more cognitive enhancement options than ever. Whether you want to up your mental game at work or school in the short or long term, one of these nootropic supplements is likely to get you there!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are nootropics?

Nootropics are natural supplements or drugs that are designed to improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, motivation, and attention. Many nootropics work by increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain.

  1. How do nootropics work?

Nootropics work by influencing brain chemicals and receptors to produce effects like improved memory, focus, problem-solving abilities, and wakefulness. Some common mechanisms include boosting neurotransmitters, stimulating nerve growth, and enhancing neuronal firing control.

  1. When should I take a nootropic?

The best time to take a nootropic depends on the specific supplement. Some nootropics are designed for short-term use before mentally demanding tasks. Others build up in the system and are taken daily for ongoing benefits. Read the label for the suggested use of any individual nootropic.

  1. Are nootropics safe?

When taken as directed, most nootropics are considered safe with little to no side effects. As with any supplement, it's best to consult your doctor before starting a new nootropic, especially if you have any medical conditions or take prescription medications. Start with the lowest dose and watch for any potential reactions.

  1. How long does it take for nootropics to work?

Most users report feeling the effects of nootropics within 30 to 60 minutes after taking them. However, the full benefits are usually achieved after consistent use for several weeks or months. Be patient when starting a new nootropic and give it time to build up in your system. The long-term brain-boosting effects are well worth it.


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