If relatable and sustainable fashion is your forte, then you must look up Isha Borah! A Fashion Content Creator from Bangalore, with features in ED Times, Daily Hunt and IBT, this girl is a sensation! Hear all about fashion with our very own fashion influencer Isha Borah.
Isha Borah
1. Tell us about yourself and your Instagram journey?
I had joined Instagram (@ishaborah) way back in the year 2013 without any idea of turning this into my full-time job. I started creating content from 2019-20 while I was still working in the corporate sector. Once the pandemic happened, I lost my job and that left me clueless on what to do next, but it also left me with a lot of free time to focus on content creation. I started making videos regularly as it was the only thing that kept me happy and motivated. It’s been a year now and I can finally call this my full-time job. I always loved dressing up, but never did I think that it would become my mode of earning.
2. How Isha Borah as a fashion content creator different from other bloggers?
I think everyone has their own style when it comes to fashion. Fashion IS about individuality. Well, my style largely depends on my mood. While some days I like to don a boho look, other days I like to keep my look simple and minimal. I want to wear outfits that make me feel comfortable and look confident.
Honestly speaking, I want my content to be relatable to every lady out there, something they feel comfortable wearing.
3. What inspired you to start creating content full-time?
This may sound weird to you, but sometimes when I don’t get sleep, I start thinking of curating my outfits and that would send me straight to sleep. What I mean is that this has been my therapy even before I started creating content. One day I just felt like making a video on modern Disney outfits with whatever clothes I had in my closet. I fixed my tripod in my room and shot the whole video myself. The video didn’t come out great, but it still made me happy. That was my first video and I decided to never stop doing it. Creating content full time came to me after I lost my job. It wasn't the best of the time, but I am glad that happened and I got an opportunity to do what I love. At the end of the day, I just landed where my passion was.
4. Your top 5 must haves in your wardrobe?
My must haves have to be a basic white/black tee, white shirt, a structured blazer, a well-fitted pair of jeans and a comfortable pair of shoes. They can be saviours when you want them to be.
5. What's your take on sustainable fashion in the near future?
If we look at the world of fashion in the future, one word that would describe it is "Sustainability". As alluring as the industry seems, it is not free from horrors and a major step towards eradicating horrors like child labour, non-biodegradable packaging, unsafe work conditions, toxic wastes to name a few is by going sustainable. I have been a firm believer of sustainable fashion. It might seem like a huge transition, but one has to start from somewhere, that somewhere can be as close to investing in good quality and durable clothes or by mixing and matching your outfits or by using biodegradable packaging. I believe that this could be a major progress in making our planet a better place to live in.