Increased gadget-usage in the last nineteen months hasn’t just strained people's eyes but also their wrists. Discomfort and injuries in the hands have increased during the lockdown. spoke to experts to know more about enhanced wrist strain and effective ways to cope with it
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Working from home during the pandemic has not only led people to experience aches in the back, neck, bones and joints, but strain in their hands too. Prachi Kelkar, an advertising professional with a demanding work schedule that required her to type for hours on end, has dealt with a tendon injury for the last few years. “Typing and mobile usage was the immediate cause for me. The build up was from eight hours of working on spreadsheets, followed by holding my phone in position while watching movies on it,” says the 32-year old. During the lockdown, because of increased gadget usage and errands around the house, she suffered a relapse.