Dear Diana, I'm 18 and get tongue-tied when it comes to talking to girls in college
Dear Diana
I’m 18 and get tongue-tied when it comes to talking to girls in college. It’s like I’m the only one in my friends circle who has this problem. I don’t know what happens when I have to strike a conversation with a girl.
I end up making the girl uncomfortable too.
— Rayaan
Illustration/ Amit Bandre
Dear Rayaan,
Get it out of your head — it’s just a mental block. Remember as you have your fears and insecurities, they also have their share of it. If you are making things awkward during a conversation, only you are to blame. When you strike a conversation, you don’t have to feel that they are from planet Mars. Once you get that notion out, it will not be difficult to talk with them. There is no need to be overenthusiastic either or act dumb. Just be yourself and go with the flow.
Diana will solve it!
Write to Diana at, or fax her on 24150009. You can also post letters to Dear Diana, Mid Day, Peninsula Centre, Dr S S Rao Road, opp Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Parel, Mumbai 400012