"For many of us, the death of Heath Ledger — before his iconic performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight had even left the editing room — still seems completely unreal," said Christopher Nolan, recently
After Heath Ledger's tragic death at the age of 28, Christopher Nolan found himself in an editing room, trying to piece together an ultimately Oscar-winning role
"For many of us, the death of Heath Ledger — before his iconic performance as the Joker in The Dark Knight had even left the editing room — still seems completely unreal," said Christopher Nolan, recently.
After Heath Ledger's tragic death at the age of 28, Christopher Nolan found himself in an editing room, trying to piece together an ultimately Oscar-winning role
The loss of a young actor and father, in such tragic a way, can be almost impossibly difficult to process — something that must be doubly true for those who knew him personally, either as a friend, a colleague or a family member.
Many of those closest to Ledger have chosen to keep their memories of the actor private, and to remain silent in their grief.
Others, though, have spoken out about the man, and his talent, which is a reason strong enough to appreciate Nolan's statement.