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'Borat Subsequent MovieFilm', Sacha Baron Cohen bag awards at Golden Globes 2021

Updated on: 01 March,2021 11:36 AM IST  |  Washington

'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm' is a mockumentary comedy film directed by Jason Woliner. The film stars Sacha Baron Cohen as the fictional Kazakhstani journalist and television personality Borat Sagdiyev, and Maria Bakalova as his daughter Tutar.

'Borat Subsequent MovieFilm', Sacha Baron Cohen bag awards at Golden Globes 2021

Sacha Baron Cohen. Pic/AFP

'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm' bagged Golden Globe 2021 award for Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy. British actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen also won the Golden Globe in the category of Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy - 'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm'.

'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm' is a mockumentary comedy film directed by Jason Woliner. The film stars Sacha Baron Cohen as the fictional Kazakhstani journalist and television personality Borat Sagdiyev, and Maria Bakalova as his daughter Tutar.

It is a sequel to 2006's Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. In the movie, the fictional character of Tutar is offered as a bride to former US Vice President Mike Pence during the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election.

The film has received three nominations at the 78th Golden Globe Awards. Earlier, British actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen had revealed that he is retiring from his controversial character of Borat Sagdiyev, as portraying it "got too dangerous".

According to People magazine, the 49-year-old actor said that he will not be continuing on with his character for another film in the 'Borat' franchise.

Cohen said, "It got too dangerous, there were a couple of times I had to put on a bulletproof vest to go and shoot a scene, and you don't want to do that too many times in your life. I was pretty lucky to get out this time, so no, I'm not doing it again. I'm going to stay with the scripted stuff."

The 78th Golden Globe Awards is taking place nearly two months later than normal, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cinema and television.

This is the first bi-coastal ceremony, with Tina Fey co-hosting from the Rainbow Room in New York City, and Amy Poehler co-hosting from The Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California.

The nominees for Golden Globes were announced on February 3 and Jane Fonda and Norman Lear were announced as the recipients of the Cecil B. DeMille Award and the Carol Burnett Award, respectively.

Netflix dominated the nominations with a total of 42 mentions, including a nomination for leading film 'Mank' (six nominations) and a nomination for leading television show 'The Crown' (also six nominations). 

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