Disha Patani and her best friend Tiger Shroff were clicked arriving together in a car by the photographers in Bandra, Mumbai. Recently, Disha shared a stunning picture flaunting her dewy make-up look in her latest social media post. Disha shared a string of pictures on her Instagram Stories. In one photo, Disha looks stunning in a floral dress paired with heart-shaped earrings and the dewy make-up adds an extra glow to her perfect skin. In the picture she wrote, "Dewy makeup by me" along with a heart emoji. All pictures/Yogen Shah
Disha recently shared a glimpse of her vanity van as she resumed work amid the Covid-19 pandemic. She didn't mention the name of the project but it is said she was working for a brand shoot.
In picture: Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani clicked in the car.
However, Disha has been following a strenuous workout regime during the lockdown as she prepares for her role in the Salman Khan-starrer Radhe. She also has Ek Villain 2 coming up which reunites her with Malang director Mohit Suri.
Tiger Shroff later poses for the photographers near his residence in Bandra. On the work front, Tiger's action franchise Baaghi's third instalment opened to good collections before being discontinued owing to the lockdown.
Tiger Shroff is certainly a man with many talents. After mesmerising us with action and his dance, Tiger now brings a new aspect to the audience as he makes his debut as a singer with his song, Unbelievable. The motion poster of the song released recently. The song 'Unbelievable' has been conceptualised during the lockdown by the actor. The lockdown has been a time of exploration and discovering something new. Tiger, in collaboration with Big Bang music has brought this track while instating- #YouAreUnbelievable.
Unbelievable has been penned down by DG Mayne and Avitesh, with Tiger Shroff lending his vocals. Punit Malhotra has directed the track, Paresh has done the choreography and Santha is the DOP. Unbelievable is produced by Big Bang Music and will see Tiger dancing and singing to his own tunes for the first time.