Imran Khan was spotted at the gym in Bandra, Mumbai, and the actor looked unrecognisable when snapped by the paparazzi. The Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na fame opted for a basic white t-shirt, paired with grey shorts and black sports shoes during his recent outing. All pictures/Yogen Shah
On the work front, Imran Khan was last seen opposite Kangana Ranaut in Katti Batti. The romantic comedy-drama film was directed by Nikkhil Advani and produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur. It released in 2015. Later, he made his debut as a director in 2018 with Mission Mars: Keep Walking India, based on India's Mangalyaan mission in 2014. The short film features actors Abhishek Saha, Prakash Belawadi and Sonali Sachdev in lead roles and gives us a glimpse inside the mission which sent India's first spacecraft to Mars.
Talking about his personal life, Imran Khan and Avantika Malik's marriage, which always brought to mind loving partnerships and happy forever-afters, reports of them falling apart have started doing the rounds. Imran Khan and Avantika Malik got married in 2011.
Imran Khan had been dating Avantika Malik since he was 19, and never found it necessary to hide his relationship status from the media. The couple welcomed their first child, a baby girl, in 2014, and named her Imara.
According to a report in a leading daily, Imran Khan and Avantika Malik are taking a break from their marriage. The couple, who have been married for eight years, has been facing some irreconcilable differences, and have decided to spend some time apart from each other.
A source also revealed, "Avantika allegedly left Imran's residence, a while ago with Imara. It is being said that she is currently staying with her family." Only time will tell if this arrangement is temporary or permanent. Apparently, the pair's friends and family are trying to figure out ways to work things out in favour of Imran and Avantika.