Actor Vijay Varma is super thrilled. After gaining praise for his work in films like Chittagong and Rangrezz, the actor is now in Cannes for his film that also stars Nawazuddin Siddqui and Tannishtha Chatterjee.
In a short interview with CS, the actor talks about going to the film festival and his rapport with Nawazuddin Siddiqui:
All excited
Going to Cannes is like a dream come true. This is my first trip to Europe and I hope to make the most of it. I love film festivals. Being an FTII student, I went to a number of festivals like IFFI and Kerala Film Festival. I loved the idea of seeing three-four films a day and getting drunk (laughs out loud).
Fun in the rain
In our film, Nawaz and I are there in the maximum number of scenes. He is a villain while I am the cop. In the scenes, he had to be ahead of me with his hands tied behind in handcuffs. Now, during the shoot I did not open his handcuffs even after the director said cut. Then, he would keep on roaming around the set like that. Sometimes, I would fix the handcuffs, one in my hand and the other in his. We resembled a couple taking saat pheras. We also bonded over acting, films and relationships. Both of us like the same type of cinema. We also spent time discussing our bad failed relationships. That’s another thing men talk about when they get closer (laughs out loud).
Exploring films
I am looking for films that have good scripts and characters. I feel that Vishal Bharadwaj’s Maqbool was a benchmark when it came to films exploring relationships and people. I should find myself in the role. The strength of a role is more important than the length of the role. Thankfully, we have some exciting stories being told, nowadays!u00a0