Film producer and fashion stylist Rhea Kapoor, daughter of actor Anil Kapoor and sister of actress Sonam Kapoor, says during her initial days people expected her to be an actress and didn't take her seriously
Rhea Kapoor
Film producer and fashion stylist Rhea Kapoor, daughter of actor Anil Kapoor and sister of actress Sonam Kapoor, says during her initial days people expected her to be an actress and didn't take her seriously.
After producing two Hindi films, "Aisha" and "Khoobsurat", Rhea along with her elder sister Sonam has launched a new high street fashion brand -- Rheson.
"Well, I think since I am daughter of Anil Kapoor, in the beginning, people expected me to be a actor like Sonam, but I didn't as that was never my dream. Since my choices were unpredictable for critics, they did not take me seriously.
In fact, I believe, when you start young, people assume that you are undeserving," Rhea said here. Such things don't affect me", she said here.
Though Rhea has grown up watching films, the glamour world never attracted her as she believes she is "too chilled out to be an actor".
"I cannot sit holding a crossed lagged poster; I am clumsy person and a control freak. I would be a disaster as an actor! In fact, my personality also reflects on my collection" said the 30-year-old stylist.
The label Rheson has a collection of clothes that highlight daily, comfort and casual wear.
"I'm the first consumer for my product, so I have to create things with conviction. You know I love wearing a sari, but I cannot sit on the floor, with my folded legs, especially when sitting for puja or in Diwali, along with elders. It's so uncomfortable. So I made that palazzo sari, graceful but as comfy as one can wear like a track pants," she said.
Rhea is also busy with the production of "Veere Di Wedding" and "Battle for Bittora", both starring Sonam.