Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar: Here's the complete list of top 10 highest paid actors in the world
Shah Rukh Khan
Salman Khan
Akshay Kumar
Forbes' 2017 list of the world's top 10 highest paid actors includes:
1 Mark Wahlberg ($68 million)
2 Dwayne Johnson ($65 million)
3 Vin Diesel ($54.5 million)
4 Adam Sandler ($50.5 million)
5 Jackie Chan ( $49 million)
6 Robert Downey Jr ($48 million)
7 Tom Cruise ($43 million)
8 Shah Rukh Khan ($38 million, approx Rs 243.50 crore)
9 Salman Khan ($37 million approx Rs 237 crore)
10 Akshay Kumar $35.5 million (approx Rs 227.5 crore)