Neecha Nagar (1946), directed by Chetan Anand in which Kamini Kaushal made her debut as an actress and Ravi Shanker as the music director, will be screened at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Goa later this month.
The 1946 film Neecha Nagar took on social inequality; (inset) late filmmaker Chetan Anand
Neecha Nagar (1946), directed by Chetan Anand in which Kamini Kaushal made her debut as an actress and Ravi Shanker as the music director, will be screened at the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) Goa later this month.
The 1946 film Neecha Nagar took on social inequality; (inset) late filmmaker Chetan Anand
This is part of a special tribute to Chetan Anand at the film festival. Neechanagar had won the Grand Prix jointly with David Lean’s Brief Encounters in 1946.
Kiran Dhiwar, chief preservation officer of the National Film Archives, Pune, said, “The Directorate Of Film Festivals has approached us for the print and we are delivering it for IFFI. Neecha Nagar is a landmark film.”