Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has announced to give tax-free status to actress Rani Mukherjee's latest film 'Mardaani'.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has announced to give tax-free status to actress Rani Mukerji's latest film 'Mardaani'.
He watched the movie at a multiplex last night along with his wife Sadhna. "We will give 'tax free' status to 'Mardaani' in Madhya Pradesh considering the bold social message conveyed by it," Chouhan posted on Twitter last night.
"Trafficking of young girls and women is worst evil which needs to be eliminated. 'Mardaani' has brought it into focus," he further tweeted. Praising Rani for her role, he said, "I congratulate Rani Mukerji for a wonderful and powerful performance in 'Mardaani'.
Aditya Chopra has done well to produce this movie." Chouhan, who spared time from his busy schedule to watch the movie, said, "After a very long time went along with family to watch a movie. 'Mardaani' turned out to be soul stirring saga highlighting a societal evil."