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7 Proven Tips to Find a Job as a Fresher

Updated on: 25 June,2024 07:31 PM IST  |  Mumbai
BrandMedia |

Let’s explore how you can leverage this information and turn it into job opportunities.

7 Proven Tips to Find a Job as a Fresher

Find a Job as Freshers

Are you a fresher who has just completed their graduation and is eager to enter the professional world? While your enthusiasm is high, you might also be wondering how to stand out in a sea of applicants. The job search can feel overwhelming, especially when you're new to the market. The good news is that with a few proactive strategies and a thorough assessment of your interests, skills, and career aspirations, you can enhance your job search efforts.

Did you know that a substantial chunk of employers is keen to hire recent graduates just in 2024? Let’s explore how you can leverage this information and turn it into job opportunities. Whether it's crafting the perfect resume, acing the interview, or networking like a pro, here are eight reliable tips you can utilise to find a job as a fresher.

1. Tailor your resume to each job and organisation
A proven way to make your resume stand out among other applicants is to customise your resume based on the job and the company you are applying for. While applying for a job, make sure that you understand the job responsibilities and skill requirements well. You must also conduct a thorough research on the organisation to understand their products and services as well as their culture. Based on your learnings, you can prepare a relevant resume custom to the employer’s needs. In addition to displaying your keenness towards the job, this will also help the recruite evaluate your candidature with ease. 

You must ensure to include your recent accomplishments, skills, and relevant internships in your resume to demonstrate your suitability for the role. Ind addition to this, identify keywords from job descriptions and incorporate those into your resume to make it ATS-friendly.

2. Craft a compelling cover letter
Did you know that cover letters play a key role in the HR’s decision to select candidates for an interview? A cover letter answers the question as to why an employer must hire you for a particular job. Through a well written cover letter, you can make your case as to how your academic performance, your skill set, projects undertaken, volunteering and extracurricular work, and any previous internship experience make you the right person for the said job. Keep your cover letter tailored to the internship prerequisites, demonstrating how you can contribute as a valuable asset to the company. Highlight your skills and validate them by mentioning how you demonstrated the same. For instance, in order to highlight your adept organizational skills, provide an example of an event you successfully coordinated during your academic tenure.

3. Prepare for interviews in advance
In an interview, recruiters evaluate your overall personality, technical knowledge, and job-specific skills. This mandates comprehensive interview preparation wherein you prepare and practice answering common, technical, scenario-based, and other interview questions. These questions could include Common interview questions like “Tell me about yourself.” and “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”; Scenario-based questions like “Give an example of a situation where you demonstrated leadership.” and “What would you do if you received criticism from a team leader?”; and Puzzle interview questions like “Can you measure one litre of water using a seven-litre and three-litre container?” and “Tell me the number of races you would need to determine the four fastest cars out of 36 on a six-lane car track.”

4. Find the right job opportunities through trusted job portals
While looking for job opportunities, ensure that you apply for fresher jobs only through trusted job portals to avoid misuse of your private information. For example, platforms like Internshala offer job opportunities from reputed companies that are actively looking to hire candidates. You can also appear for university placements, reach out to your network, and apply for jobs through the company pages of the brands that interest you.

5. Utilise AI to upgrade your job search
The role of artificial intelligence has expanded exponentially in the last few years. So why not utilise it to elevate your job search? You can use AI resume creators like Enhancv and Teal to ensure your document has relevant keywords and an ATS-friendly format. Moreover, AI-generated mock interviews can be attempted to receive feedback, customise your answers, and practise in a simulated environment. You can also research relevant jobs through AI and find opportunities that align with your location, industry, skills, and salary expectations.

6. Establish a strong digital presence
Did you know a notable online presence with an effective showcase of your skills and expertise can help you get job offers without applying for them? This is called passive recruitment, where recruiters reach out to individuals who possess the necessary skills and expertise but might not be actively looking for a job. For example, candidates in tech industries can use platforms like GitHub to create online portfolios, which are accessible and shareable, making these portfolios a great tool to demonstrate their expertise.

7. Connect with experienced professionals and enhance your network
We always hear the phrase “Building a network is very important” but what does it mean exactly? Well, about 85% of the job vacancies are filled via referrals while 70% of jobs are not even advertised on job portals and that is the power of networking! To make the most out of it, attend job fairs and industry events like conferences and workshops, and register on professional networking sites to connect with industry peers and mentors. While at it, don’t shy away from seeking referrals from your former colleagues or professional connections. 

About the author: Shobha Saini is the AVP-Human Resources at Internshala

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