International Yoga Day serves as a reminder of the ancient wisdom and practices of yoga and their relevance in modern times.
It provides a platform for people worldwide to come together, embrace yoga, and experience its transformative effects on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. We met up with Archana Amlapure, Founder of Ojas Yoga and Wellness, who has been instrumental in transforming many people’s life across the globe. She has her wellness studio in Singapore and has contributed to creating awareness about Yoga in India and APAC region. A tete-e-tete about Yoga, fitness, mental health, and Archana’s new book “Health Happiness Harmony".
Why is YOGA essential in today’s IoT world?
Surveys have shown that it is challenging to reduce screen time; parents of kids above two years find it difficult to stop their children from watching TV, and people have been hooked and glued to their smartphones. The internet world is exploding, keeping no time and preference for exploring one’s inner journey.
In Yoga, we say, “The mind is supposed to be at rest and the body in motion,” but we are in the opposite situation now. Yoga is not just a physical exercise but a comprehensive system for promoting well-being in all aspects of life. It offers a pathway to balance the body, mind, and spirit, fostering overall health, harmony, and personal growth. Yoga helps build resilience, enhance physical and mental well-being, and better manage work-life balance. According to yoga philosophy, the body has energy channels called nadis, and yoga helps balance and enhance energy flow. Practitioners can activate and channel their vital energy by using specific yoga poses and breath control techniques (prana). This leads to increased vitality, enhanced focus, and a heightened sense of well-being.
Since when are you practicing YOGA?
I was introduced to Yoga while juggling my career and family. The dissatisfaction was affecting my health, sleep, and relationship. At that moment, I decided to start my inner journey with Yoga. Over time, the practice and dedication to healing myself started showing its effect. I began observing the benefits of yoga and started feeling energetic; my sleep was sound, and more importantly, I was in an excellent state of mind. My decision to quit my corporate career came dramatically when one day, I was sitting in meditation, and like a flash of light, a thought crossed my mind. A question came to my mind, “There might be people who are living similar lives, whose lifestyle is dysfunctional, and who are stressed, anxious, and depressed. Why don’t you help them regain their life’s balance?”. The answer to this question is OJAS Yoga and Wellness, where I help people transform and connect with themself. I then realized that yoga is a lifelong practice, and the benefits can be experienced at any stage of life. Whether young or old, yoga offers numerous advantages for physical health, mental well-being, and overall vitality. It is a practice that can be modified and adapted to suit different body types, abilities, and personal goals. Yoga is not a competitive activity, and listening to your body and practicing at your own pace is essential. With consistent practice, patience, and dedication, you can gradually progress and deepen your yoga practice.
Can you share more details about the book Health, Happyness, and Harmony?
His Excellency, P. Kumaran, High Commissioner of India, Singapore launched the book today on the auspicious day of International Yoga Day in Singapore at Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple. I would like to thank him and the entire team for their support in making a difference. Around 200 people were present at the temple hall to celebrate this special day.
If you have a deep passion for yoga, its philosophy, and the various aspects of the practice, you may feel compelled to share your knowledge and enthusiasm with others. I have been interacting with people and teaching them for almost a decade. Seeing them in less pain and helping them grow as individuals has found a special place in my heart.
The book is my heart's revelation towards finding a “New You.” The 3 elements of Health, happiness, and Harmony are integral to being complete. Health refers to the state of physical, mental, and social well-being. It involves maintaining a balanced and functional body, free from illness or disease. It encompasses various factors such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and hygiene. Good health is vital for overall well-being and enables individuals to lead active, fulfilling lives. Happiness is a subjective emotional state characterized by joy, contentment, and satisfaction. Happiness is not solely dependent on external circumstances but can be cultivated through mindfulness, self-care, and nurturing positive thoughts and emotions. I refer to Harmony as a state of balance, coherence, and unity. In the context of well-being, harmony can be achieved by establishing a balance between different aspects of life, such as work and personal life, physical and mental health, and individual and social needs. It involves finding a sense of alignment and integration within oneself and with the surrounding environment, fostering a sense of peace, and reducing conflicts and stress.
While the book "Health, Happiness, and Harmony" may explore these themes in more depth, the concepts themselves are fundamental aspects of well-being that I have been discussing with my students; this book is their narrative.
What message would you like to give to the next generation on International Yoga Day?
In this fast-paced and ever-changing world, I want to remind you of the profound wisdom that lies within you. Yoga is not just about bending and stretching; it is a path of self-discovery and inner transformation. As you embark on this beautiful journey, I encourage you to embrace these essential messages:
Self-Acceptance: You are unique and wonderful just as you are. Embrace your body, mind, and spirit with love and acceptance. Honor your strengths and embrace your weaknesses; they are all part of your beautiful tapestry.
Mindfulness: Cultivate the art of being present; there does exist something as NOW. In a world filled with distractions, learn to focus on the here. By observing your breath, thoughts, and sensations, you can bring a sense of calm and clarity into your life.
Balance: Seek balance in all aspects of your life. The balance between effort and surrender, work and play, solitude and connection. When you find harmony within yourself, you radiate that balance to the world around you.
Compassion: Treat yourself and others with kindness, empathy, and understanding. Recognize the interconnectedness of all beings, and let your heart guide your thoughts, words, and actions. Small acts of kindness have the power to create ripples of positive change.
Growth and Learning: Life is a continuous journey of growth and learning. Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal development. Be open to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas. Allow yourself to evolve and expand beyond your perceived limitations.
Inner Wisdom: Trust your intuition and inner guidance. Deep within you, there is a wellspring of wisdom and intuition. Take time to listen to your inner voice, for it holds the answers to your most profound questions.
Remember, yoga is not just about physical postures; it is a holistic practice that nurtures your body, mind, and soul. Embrace the lessons it offers, both on and off the mat, and let it illuminate your path toward self-discovery, well-being, and joy.