You got to be up there in the public eye whether you like it or not. It’s not a choice anymore and infact a business handicap if the Founder/management team believes so says Jessie Paul, independent board member, entrepreneur & author in her recently launched second book “Marketing without money – An essential guide”. She infact points out how well built and positioned personas help multitude of businesses from large companies to fledgling start-ups in variety of areas. Peppered with insights relevant for not just marketers but business owners, c-suite executives and entrepreneurs alike. Here are a few key facets and highlights of the new book:
Build a personal brandmap
Today the “professional” is the product! There is a value attached to our economic output, and a respected personal brand reduces the risk of hiring you. Have outlined a specific framework in the book by which one can define their personal brand attributes and build out a customized personal brand marketing plan.
Remake yourself for media
One has to find ways to be interesting depending on the market operating in and the brand persona/attributes. Dog bites man is boring but man bites dog is exciting. If everyone is zigging you have to zag.
Other key insights in the book.
- "A better mousetrap does not always command market share. Sometimes an average mousetrap with really yummy cheese can win!”
- "Two companies can be equally innovative. But, the one which markets its innovation better, becomes the market leader.”
- 'If you are a small player and a challenger brand, you have to be controversial. If you say what everybody else is saying, that is not a media-worthy story.”
- Marketing is no longer a private conversation but a loud conversation in the middle of a crowded park
This is Jessie’s second book both published by Bloomsbury the first one being a best seller selling tens of thousands of copies. Jessie, an IIM-Calcutta alumni, currently sits on the boards of PB FINTECH (parent company of Policybazaar & Paisabazaar), Bajaj Consumercare, CreditAccess Grameen, Expleo Solutions & Royal Orchid Hotels. She is the Founder & CEO of Paul Writer Strategic Services offering advisory, implementation & program management for technology/technology-enabled companies. She is also an early-stage investor in ARRKA, a niche player s in Data Privacy and Info. Security and GAGLERS, INC. which offers voice broadcasting for political advocacy, robotic process automation for intelligent dialling, p2p texting, and TextBroadcasting Software in 200+ countries under the name CallHub. She says she got writing into her genes from her father who was in India foreign service and had written some of Indira Gandhi’s speeches.