Dedicated bus shelters along the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (VAG) Metro-I corridor will make sure that you never miss a metro!
Dedicated bus shelters along the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar (VAG) Metro-I corridor will make sure that you never miss a metro!
Under the Station Area Traffic Improvement System (SATIS), the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) will be working closely with BEST to ensure that dedicated bus stops indicate the timing of the next metro’s arrival. Also, the metro trains will be flashing the relevant BEST bus numbers useful for the metro commuters for their onward journey.
Once the services on the 11.4 km VAG corridor starts, MMRDA will integrate the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) with the BEST.
Andheri Metro station
"We are at an advanced stage of discussion with BEST officials for creating dedicated feeder routes along the metro stations. The details of bus numbers will be flashed inside the metro trains and the dedicated bus stops will have details of the next metro train’s arrival. This will make sure that the commuters below the metro corridor will not miss the metro and commuters traveling in the metro would know exactly which bus to board for their onward journey," informed Dilip Kawatkar, Joint Project Director (PR), MMRDA.
“Not just the BEST, but other agencies such as the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), Mumbai traffic police, RTO will all be working closely to make the metro commute comfortable. While MCGM will prevent illegal hawking along the metro stations; traffic police squads will ensure that there is no illegal parking around the station areas,” Added Kawatkar.
One of the major concerns for pedestrians and commuters alike has been the dispersal of pedestrian and vehicular traffic under the metro stations. This prompted MMRDA to take up the development of Station Area Traffic Improvement Scheme (SATIS) throughout the route.
“The existing footpaths were on an average 1.8 to 2.5 meter wide. We have widened them by an additional 1.5 meter below each of the metro stations. On an average 330 meter area around all metro stations has been declared a “Metro-Influence-Zone” wherein no illegal parking, hawking will be allowed,” informed Kawathkar.
As a part of SATIS, the authorities have ensured that uniform 2+2 lane traffic is kept open at all times. At each metro station, dedicated two wheeler parking areas has been provided.
“We have also ensured that there will not be any jay-walking along the station area, which will restrict traffic snarls. MMRDA has constructed railings along the footpath near all the metro stations.” Kawathkar asserted.
The Rs.2,356 crore Metro-I project will have a metro station at a distance of about one kilometer each. A total of 21 metro trains will be fully air-conditioned and will run from 5.00 am till midnight. Among the engineering marvels of the project are two bridges – a 180-meter steel bridge that will take Metro from the western side to the eastern side and another cable stayed bridge over the Western Express Highway.