
Why watercress is the healthiest veggie

Mid-day online correspondent

By Mid-day online correspondent
Published Aug 18, 2023

Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, announced that watercress is the healthiest vegetable on Earth

Watercress is a powerhouse of nutrients, as it has — vitamin C, vitamin K , calcium and magnesium, high antioxidants, and nitrates

Jalkumbhi, as watercress is locally called in Hindi, is best consumed in winters, as that’s when the best produce arrives in the market


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She adds that jalkumbhi has a very good nutrient profile, which can be consumed with minimal cooking

Powder it, and add it to your juices and soups; sprinkle on a meal or add it in your roti dough or use it like lettuce in burgers and salads

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