Virtual exhibition on partition tales

Virtual exhibition on partition tales

Shriram Iyengar

Mumbai Guide
By Nascimento Pinto
Published Aug 15, 2023
The virtual exhibition of Un.Divided Identities: Lesser Known Stories of the Partition by ReReeti Foundation seeks to explore stories by survivors of Partition

Exhibition on Partition

The virtual exhibition of Un.Divided Identities: Lesser Known Stories of the Partition by ReReeti Foundation seeks to explore stories by survivors of Partition

Shriram Iyengar

The project is created in partnership with The British Council and Glasgow Life Museums under the Our Shared Cultural Heritage (OSCH) initiative

Collaboration with ReReeti Foundation

The project is created in partnership with The British Council and Glasgow Life Museums under the Our Shared Cultural Heritage (OSCH) initiative

Shriram Iyengar

Bhanu Ghalot, project head, reveals the team invested six months to research and produce the experiential project

Bhanu Ghalot

Bhanu Ghalot, project head, reveals the team invested six months to research and produce the experiential project

Shriram Iyengar


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Tejshvi Jain

Project director Tejshvi Jain says the production is a conscious attempt to evoke empathy in the reader

Shriram Iyengar

Research for project

It relied on three theories of educational philosophy — Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, Neil Fleming’s VARK model and object-based learning

Shriram Iyengar

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