
Top 5 engineering books to read

Mid-day Online

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Sep 10, 2023

Trapped Under The Sea

A different style of writing, in the sense that it is more narrative than instructional, this book still gives an intense glimpse into the world of engineering

Structures Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down

The book by JE Gordon explains how everything around us, like bridges and buildings, stays together. It uses humour and easy-to-understand examples

To Engineer Is Human

Henry Petroski dishes out a collection of case studies that delve into fundamental concepts of progress and perfection


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The author of this book, Roma Agrawal, explores how buildings are made, how they stay up, and how bridges span great distances

The Existential Pleasures Of Engineering

In this book, author Samuel Florman explores how engineers think and feel about their work

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