
Taylor Swift fans in India

Taylor Swift fans in India

By Nascimento Pinto
Published Nov 18, 2023

Speak Now

Delhi-based Ira Malik says she has been a Taylor Swift fan for as long as she can remember but more specifically it was when she released ‘Speak Now’

Nascimento Pinto

Die-hard fan

Malik also went for The Eras Tour Film recently and the feeling of being in a room with absolute strangers but still feeling so connected to them

Nascimento Pinto

Being a Swiftie

Bengaluru-based Fathima Ashraf became a fan even before the term existed, way back in 2008. The high school girl in her loved the singer`s storytelling

Nascimento Pinto


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Mumbai to New Zealand

Even Mumbaikar Alifiya Joel, who has settled in New Zealand and has been a ‘Tay Tay’ fan, as she calls it, for over a decade now

Nascimento Pinto

Blank Space

Arunima Joshua, another Mumbaikar, became a `Swiftie` when she heard `Blank Space` from the 1989 album

Nascimento Pinto

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