
Rozgar Mela in Mumbai

Pics/Piyush Goyal/X and PTI

By Asif Rizvi
Published Nov 30, 2023

Around 51,000 appointment letters were given to the new recruits. Union Minister Piyush Goyal who was in Mumbai said, `Learning is a continuous process`

Our youth should learn to connect themselves with new ideas and innovations, Goyal said

This will have a good impact...This will help the country to fulfil its dream of becoming a developed nation, Goyal added


Horoscope today, November 30

Former Mumbai mayor Datta Dalvi arrested

PM Modi while speaking to newly inducted employees asked them to ensure that welfare initiatives reach the most deprived people

PM Modi said that their biggest priority should be people`s ease of living

Actors who voted at Telangana Elections

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