Lifestyle habits affecting sperm health

Lifestyle habits affecting sperm health


By Aakanksha Ahire
Published Oct 29, 2023
Smoking decreases sperm motility which results in fewer sperm reaching the egg, thus lowering the chances of a successful pregnancy

Smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking decreases sperm motility which results in fewer sperm reaching the egg, thus lowering the chances of a successful pregnancy

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Obesity can lead to an imbalance in hormone levels, specifically the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. This can harm sperm production and quality


Obesity can lead to an imbalance in hormone levels, specifically the ratio of estrogen to testosterone. This can harm sperm production and quality

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Foods high in trans fats, often found in packaged foods, can reduce the quality of your sperm. Carbonated drinks high sugar content too, are not advisable


Foods high in trans fats, often found in packaged foods, can reduce the quality of your sperm. Carbonated drinks high sugar content too, are not advisable

Photo Courtesy: iStock


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Lack of sleep

Shift work or irregular sleep patterns can disrupt the body`s circadian rhythm, affecting the quality and quantity of sperm

Photo Courtesy: iStock

Heat from laptops and tight pants

Exposing your testicles to excessive heat, whether through prolonged laptop use or wearing tight pants or undergarments can harm sperm health

Photo Courtesy: iStock

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