Horoscope today, November 23
Handle clients according to the psychology of the individual. A party delivers more than expected.
Getting new information and updates requires changing certain facts and data quickly.
A new project begins which was assigned to you after a lot of difficulty. Do regularly get enough sleep.
Thinking about someone’s financial decision is still a sore point with you. Discussions may skitter out of control, so be in charge from the beginning.
Clear a misunderstanding immediately. A communication delay may widen the gulf even more. A friend lighten your mood, making you feel better.
Be careful about the tone and words used when speaking with family members. The day is a slow moving and easy going time.
A legal case (if any) comes to an end soon in your favour. A truth may seem quite unpalatable. Believe it.
The Tarot reveals a positive karmic cycle for career and business goals to manifest. A new relationship begins.
A telephone conversation is an eye opener about the true state of affairs. Don’t agree to what seems innately wrong or unethical. Health is good.
A study course helps apply for a higher designation or a better job. Don’t be influenced by people’s advice. Health is good.
There may be too much work to complete in relatively short while, so keep the focus razor sharp. Information about a budget or investments is received.
Singles find their soul-mate. The Tarot advises consciously networking to increase business contacts. Be careful about what you eat.