
Have high haemoglobin? Don’t ignore it

Mid-day Online

By Online desk
Published Nov 22, 2023

High haemoglobin levels can increase the risk of blood clotting and can sometimes lead to dangerous conditions like stroke, heart attack and blood clots

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High haemoglobin may also cause frequent headaches, blurred vision, itching all over the body after a warm shower, and painful and swollen joints

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Haemoglobin levels of more than 16.5g/dL in males and 16g/dL in females is considered abnormal

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If high haemoglobin levels are detected on routine evaluation, a haematologist should be consulted for further evaluation

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High haemoglobin levels can be countered by removing blood from the body, prescribing blood thinners like aspirin and medicines like hydroxyurea

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