Food Items to avoid this Summers

Food Items to avoid this Summers

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By Sachin Heliya
Published Mar 20, 2023
Stay away from Oily and Spice rich food as this will create digestion issue

Spicy Food

Stay away from Oily and Spice rich food as this will create digestion issue

Consuming too much tea and coffee can be one reason behind generating heat in your body

Tea and Coffee

Consuming too much tea and coffee can be one reason behind generating heat in your body

If you want to stay fit these summers, stay away from oily and junk food

Junk Food

If you want to stay fit these summers, stay away from oily and junk food


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Eating non-veg can be detrimental to eat in summers as it can generate more heat in your body

Cold Drink

Even to quench your thirst, the only option that you should consider is water. While intake of cold drink can also spoil your diet.

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