Decor items perfect for rented homes

Decor items perfect for rented homes

Mid-day Online

By Mid-day Online Correspondent
Published Feb 01, 2024
They are affordable and add warmth making the atmosphere cosy. You can decorate the space with these lights or drape them over the curtains

Fairy lights

They are affordable and add warmth making the atmosphere cosy. You can decorate the space with these lights or drape them over the curtains

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Indoor plants like Snake plant and Money plant require very low maintenance. These plants are perfect for bachelors who want to add a natural touch


Indoor plants like Snake plant and Money plant require very low maintenance. These plants are perfect for bachelors who want to add a natural touch

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There are many affordable options and styles available online that can be used. Curtains are also the easiest way to transform your house


There are many affordable options and styles available online that can be used. Curtains are also the easiest way to transform your house

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Method at India Art Fair 2024

Quick guide to growing indoor plants


For rented houses, painting a wall can be a tremendous task and a quick fix to save your money is using wallpapers

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Small furniture/decor items

Adding small furniture and tiny figurines is the easiest way to design your space. This is an easy way to grab attention

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Snowfall in Shimla

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