
Ayurveda-inspired cocktails in Mumbai

Nascimento Pinto

By Nascimento Pinto
Published Jan 20, 2024

New menu

Ekaa unveils new bar menu `Dwadash` inspired from lesser-known Ayurvedic ingredients

Nascimento Pinto


The menu focuses on herbs, spices, roots, and other ingredients, often lost in the archives, which have been sourced from around India

Nascimento Pinto


Curated by Jishnu AJ, head mixologist, the second edition of the cocktail menu at the city restaurant in Fort is rooted in ancient traditions and ingredients

Nascimento Pinto


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Unique cocktails

The Wormwood with citrus Gin is a fusion of zesty orange, aromatic cinchona bark, and toasted coriander, heightened by the subtle sweetness of jasmine syrup

Nascimento Pinto

Ayurvedic roots

The Khus is a delight featuring smoked tequila, khus roots and honey-black garlic. It is balanced with clarified apples and the bright notes of supasawa

Nascimento Pinto

Horoscope today: January 20, 2024

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