5 relationship red flags

5 relationship red flags


By Mid-day Online Correspondent
Published Feb 02, 2024
This may indicate impulsivity if your partner encourages you to move in, get engaged, or meet their family within the first few weeks

Quick involvement

This may indicate impulsivity if your partner encourages you to move in, get engaged, or meet their family within the first few weeks

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This occurs when someone refuses to grow up, take responsibility. It is when only one partner is committed to self-improvement while the other remains stagnant

Peter Pan syndrome

This occurs when someone refuses to grow up, take responsibility. It is when only one partner is committed to self-improvement while the other remains stagnant

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If one or both partners regularly avoid revealing vulnerability, intimacy and trust will not develop

Avoidance of vulnerability

If one or both partners regularly avoid revealing vulnerability, intimacy and trust will not develop

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Controlling behavior

This includes telling you how to dress or act, wanting constant check-ins, isolating you from friends/family, insisting all time be spent together

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The illusion of perfection

Idolising a spouse to the point where their imperfections are fully overlooked or dismissed can indicate a fear of facing reality in the relationship

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