
5 easy breathing exercises for asthma

Aakanksha Ahire

By Aakanksha Ahire
Published May 02, 2023

Nasal breathing

Nasal breathing refers to breathing from the nose. A great breathing exercise for asthma, it adds humidity and warmth to the air which reduces the discomfort

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Pursed-lip breathing

This exercise helps relieve shortness of breath. It helps you exhale more air trapped in the lungs making breathing easier, especially during an asthma attack

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Buteyko breathing

It helps you breathe slower and deeper. This exercise may improve asthma symptoms and reduce the need for medication

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Papworth method

This exercise teaches you to breathe slowly and steadily from your diaphragm and through your nose. It is effective in easing breathing difficulties

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Diaphragmatic breathing

It teaches you to breathe from the region around your diaphragm and strengthens it, slows breathing, and decreases the body’s need for oxygen

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While these are common breathing exercises for people with asthma, it is always best to consult your doctor

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