Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. When you meet someone who understands and respects those boundaries, you will know it
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I am a 21-year old and have been dating a guy two years older than me for about two months. We haven’t agreed to get into a relationship even though I know he wants me to. I am taking my time because I am not in a hurry to be tied to someone, but he is getting impatient. He says we have gone out many times and that I should tell him if I’m not interested because he feels as if I am wasting his time. I like him a lot, but if he doesn’t understand that I can’t just get into a relationship without getting to know him better, he’s probably wrong for me. Is this the right way to think or am I being picky?
It’s your life and you should be allowed to take as much time as you please to get into a relationship. You are under no pressure to get into one either, if you don’t feel like it. You alone can write the rules and, if this person doesn’t want to respect your decision, he’s not someone you should be with. Think about why you want to be with someone, whether you want to get into a relationship at all for now, and what you hope to get out of it. Don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. When you meet someone who understands and respects those boundaries, you will know it.
My best friend wants me to go on a date with her brother because she thinks we will be great together, but I don’t like him at all. I am afraid to tell her this because she may not be friends with me if she finds out. How do I get out of this situation?
If you can’t be honest with someone, and are afraid of the consequences, you have to ask yourself how strong you think this bond is. All relationships are tested at times, and the only thing that matters is whether you both want to save it.
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