India's two-time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar this morning extended his support to fellow 74 kg wrestler Narsingh Yadav, who was handed a four-year ban for doping violation after the CAS hearing claimed he could not prove the theory of sabotage.
Sushil Kumar
India's two-time Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar this morning extended his support to fellow 74 kg wrestler Narsingh Yadav, who was handed a four-year ban for doping violation after the CAS hearing claimed he could not prove the theory of sabotage. “I’m saddened to hear about the ban on Narsingh. I am with him in this difficult hour,” Sushil told a TV channel.
Sushil Kumar
A few months back, Sushil, who also wanted to represent India at the Rio Olympics, had asked for a selection trial bout against Narsingh but his request was shot down by the Wrestling federation of India. Sushil thereafter approached court but lost his argument there too.