The actor has roped in six celebrities Rashami Desai, Pooja Gor, Niti Taylor, Sumona Chakravarti, Tejaswi Prakash, Aishwarya Sakhuja to represent the teams
Kunal Thakkur
Actor Kunal Thakkur, who is eagerly waiting for the launch of his Tennis Premier League, says that there are a lot of expectations from the tournament. “I am feeling good about it but there is too much pressure and a lot of work to be done. The response has been fantastic and the expectations are very high,” he says.
The actor has roped in six celebrities Rashami Desai, Pooja Gor, Niti Taylor, Sumona Chakravarti, Tejaswi Prakash, Aishwarya Sakhuja to represent the teams. Taking about the thought process behind choosing them, Kunal says, “We have selected only people who are passionate about sports and have an intention to promote tennis and help talented players of our country. We are very grateful to them for supporting this initiative and giving so much of their precious time for the league.”
The response to the tournament has been superb, says Kunal. “We have received 545 registrations which are the highest for any Indian tennis tournament. There were more than 350 players who came for the talent hunt day just to impress the mentors and the celebrities with their talent,” he says.
He adds, “We intend to make this league as big as the IPL or Pro Kabaddi. Like our tagline says we want to take tennis into everyone’s homes.”
Kunal says that his partner Mrunal Jain has also been working hard to make the tournament a success. “I have not seen anyone as hard working as Mrunal. I am very lucky to have a partner like him,” he says, adding, “We are also privileged to have the support of Mr Leander Paes, Mr Vishal Bhardwaj and Mr Shashank Khaitan. We will be supporting the wheelchair tennis players of India in our league and they will also be playing some exhibition matches.” Kunal celebrated his birthday and feels Tennis Premier League is the best birthday gift he can ever get.