The strong ethnic link between India and Trinidad & Tobago surfaced during the Sunday's post-match conference when skipper Daren Ganga paid obeisance to Mahatma Gandhi whose 142nd birthday anniversary coincided with the Caribbean team's stunning 12-run win against the Chennai Super Kings in the Champions League T20 here.
The strong ethnic link between India and Trinidad & Tobago surfaced during the Sunday's post-match conference when skipper Daren Ganga paid obeisance to Mahatma Gandhi whose 142nd birthday anniversary coincided with the Caribbean team's stunning 12-run win against the Chennai Super Kings in the Champions League T20 here.
Darren Ganga
"This day is a very special day as it is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. We wanted to do something significant," said Ganga whose surname represents the river that is revered in India.
We thought today is going to be our day. We had that belief as a team. God only knows as to what will happen in the last game, but we strongly feel that we will qualify for the semifinals," said Ganga.