Lesson learnt after the Pune pitch fiasco, the Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association (UPCA) has beefed up security around the 22-yard strip for the third ODI between India and New Zealand, here on Sunday
Lesson learnt after the Pune pitch fiasco, the Uttar Pradesh Cricket Association (UPCA) has beefed up security around the 22-yard strip for the third ODI between India and New Zealand, here on Sunday.
UPCA acting secretary Yudhvir Singh said the security officials at the Green Park Stadium have been clearly instructed to not allow anyone into the venue without a valid pass. The groundsmen too have been strictly instruct not to discuss the nature of the pitch with anyone. BCCI curator Taposh Chatterjee is overseeing pitch preparations for the crucial game.
"We have to be more careful after the incident in Pune. The police officials have been told that only individuals with valid accreditation can enter the stadium. This practice was already in place but we are extra-cautious now," said Singh.
"The groundsmen too have been instructed that they don’t need to discuss the nature of the pitch with anyone," Singh added. The extra vigil comes after the suspension of Pune curator Pandurang Salgaoncar, who allegedly agreed to tamper the pitch ahead of the second ODI in Pune. Shiv Kumar, the tubewell operator who rose to become the curator, has been helping in pitch preparation unofficially.