Laughter Chefs Unlimited Entertainment combines comedy with cooking, featuring stars like Krushna Abhishek, his wife Kashmera Shah, and Bharti Singh in a kitchen setting, led by Celebrity Chef Coach Harpal Singh Sokhi. The trio recently sat down for a chat to promote their upcoming venture. It wasn't long before Krushna and Bharti revealed Kashmera's struggle in the kitchen, claiming that she even brought home bhindi (okra) thinking it was beans!
29 May,2024 10:10 PM IST"Laughter Chefs Unlimited Entertainment" combines comedy with cooking, featuring stars like Krushna Abhishek and Ankita Lokhande in a kitchen setting, led by Celebrity Chef Coach Harpal Singh Sokhi. During the show's promotion, Karan Kundrra was asked about the buzz surrounding Munawar Faruqui's rumoured second wedding. As Munawar's best friend, Karan remained silent but mentioned that the comedian will share the news when the time is right.