
Essential Oils


Meet The Duo Behind Oilori, The Wellness Brand On Everyone’s Wishlist

Meet The Duo Behind Oilori, The Wellness Brand On Everyone’s Wishlist

We created Oilori as a lifestyle alternative to rushing to the pharmacy for an over-the-counter solution.

01 March,2024 12:24 PM IST | MUMBAI | BrandMedia
Practical guide to combat hair thinning

Practical guide to combat hair thinning

Hair thinning or hair loss can be caused by many different factors, including both controllable and uncontrollable circumstances. Hair expert gives a breakdown of the causes of hair thinning and effective ways to combat it

11 January,2024 07:20 AM IST | Mumbai | IANS
Aromatherapy: Elevating wellness with scented baths, oils and candles

Aromatherapy: Elevating wellness with scented baths, oils and candles

The relationship between smell and perception is deeply rooted in our biology. When we inhale scents, smells that are closely associated with the limbic system of the brain trigger emotional responses and affect our mood

06 October,2023 01:20 PM IST | Mumbai | mid-day online correspondent
Experience the Power of 5 Essential Oils and Vitamins in Orgatre's Face Wash

Experience the Power of 5 Essential Oils and Vitamins in Orgatre's Face Wash

Say goodbye to common skin problems and embrace a new era of skincare with Orgatre's revolutionary Organic Vitamin C Foaming Face Wash. This active skin cleanser is a purely natural Vitamin C face wash suitable for multiple skin types, promising to rejuvenate your skin like never before.

24 May,2023 01:21 PM IST | Mumbai | BrandMedia
5 Essential Oils for Wrinkle Reduction: A Natural Anti-Aging Solution

5 Essential Oils for Wrinkle Reduction: A Natural Anti-Aging Solution

Wrinkles, a visible sign of aging, can have a significant impact on one's appearance and self-confidence. It's no wonder that people are constantly seeking ways to reduce their appearance.

22 March,2023 03:51 PM IST | Mumbai | BrandMedia
Here's how to take care of your skin at the age of 40

Here's how to take care of your skin at the age of 40

Our skin's production of elastin, natural lipids, and collagen declines as we age. It is important to follow a skincare routine to maintain skin health with age. Here are some expert tips to follow

19 August,2022 06:13 PM IST | Mumbai | IANS
Here's how one must choose the right serum for their skin type

Here's how one must choose the right serum for their skin type

There is an easier way to figure out which serum is right for you - by choosing one with actives that are specifically designed to target your skincare concerns

25 July,2022 03:26 PM IST | New Delhi | IANS
9 Ways to Manage ADHD

9 Ways to Manage ADHD

"Healer Kuhoo Gupta discusses ADHD, its symptoms, and lists 9 simple ways to cope "

12 October,2020 04:58 PM IST | New Delhi | IANS
Essential oils from herbs may help treat Lyme disease

Essential oils from herbs may help treat Lyme disease

"We found that these essential oils were even better at killing the 'persister' forms of Lyme bacteria than standard Lyme antibiotics," said study's senior author Ying Zhang

04 December,2018 12:22 PM IST | Washington | ANI
Ways to use essential oils

Ways to use essential oils

Here's how to use essential oils the right way!

01 May,2018 01:33 PM IST | New Delhi | IANS

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