Veteran Bollywood actor Dharmendra is celebrating his 89th birthday today, and his sons Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol made it extra special for him. The trio stepped out to greet fans and media who had gathered to wish the icon on his special day. Dharmendra was welcomed with a floral shower. He then proceeded to cut a 7-tier birthday cake decorated with his achievements. Later, he accepted gifts from his fans and posed for pictures with them. Several fans came dressed as characters from his films. Watch the wholesome video
08 December,2024 05:23 PM IST | MumbaiDharmendra Birthday 2023: Legendary actor Dharmendra celebrated his 88th birthday on December 8 by cutting a cake with the paparazzi and fans. The actor was seen cutting a three-layer birthday cake which had his character sketches. Son Sunny Deol, who had accompanied papa Dharam on the occasion, got emotional looking at the love his father was receiving on his birthday. Watch the full video for more!
08 December,2023 06:18 PM ISTDharmendra birthday 2023: Bollywood icon Dharmendra turns 88 today. Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, who recently worked with the veteran actor in the film 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani', showered a lot of praise on him. Ranveer said, "Dharam Ji is a walking, talking ball of love." He added that Dharmendra is a man with the biggest heart and he is a very emotional person. Alia Bhatt mentioned that the senior actor always came on set fully prepared.
08 December,2023 01:22 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT