Amid speculations of rift in the Nationalist Congress Party, Ajit Pawar, along with eight leaders of the NCP took the oath of office on Sunday. A disgruntled Ajit Pawar made the latest move four years after he tried to divide the Nationalist Congress Party as he once again took oath as the Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister, a post he will share with BJP’s Devendra Fadnavis. This came after he held an urgent meeting with NCP MLAs earlier in the day and, according to sources, at least 30-40 of the party’s legislators were in attendance. Among those who switched sides along with Ajit Pawar are Chhagan Bhujbal, Dilip Walse Patil, Hasan Mushrif, Dhananjay Munde, Aatram Dharamraobaba Bhagwantrao, Aditi Tatkare, Sanjay Baburao Bansode, and Anil Bhaidas Patil.
03 July,2023 01:39 PM IST | MumbaiThe Parli assembly seat in Beed has become a much-talked-about family fight, with BJP minister and two-time MLA Pankaja Munde fighting against her cousin Dhananja Munde. The intra-family feud between the brother and his cousin sister has grown manifold since Dhananjay quit the BJP in 2012. Watch this video to know more
17 October,2019 06:34 PM ISTUnion Minister Smriti Irani cast her vote at a polling station in Mumbai while the leader of opposition in Legislative Council and NCP leader Dhananjay Munde voted in Parli- Beed District. Watch this video to see all the other politicians who voted during the Maharashtra Elections 2019.
21 October,2019 07:42 PM ISTMaharashtra Election Results 2019 saw some tough battles between some leading political parties. Several prominent heavyweights bit the dust on their home turfs. But the most talked-about ones were between the Munde cousins, NCP leader Dhananjay Munde and BJP minister Pankaja Munde and Congress debutant Zeeshaan Siddique and Mumbai Mayor Vishwanath Mahadeshwar from the Shiv Sena. Watch this video to know more.
25 October,2019 11:44 AM ISTADVERTISEMENT